Saturday, 23 February 2013

Why I wish there was a Starbucks in Perth

Let's start with the coffee.  I don't drink the stuff. Never have, never will.

I believe coffee drinkers when they tell me that the coffee sold in Perth or Melbourne is so much better than anything Starbucks can make.

So, why do I wish they had Starbucks in Perth though?

1) Service geared towards the take away customer
I have just returned from a very busy shopping centre thirsty.  I was thirsty when I was there but made the choice to come home and drink something out of my fridge rather than waiting 10 minutes to order something to drink from any of the coffee places in the shopping centre.  Until Gloria Jeans or the Coffee Club can set up a reliable system where you don't have to wait behind 6 other people to order and then wait another 10 minutes to get your drink while they fill the orders of those other 6 people plus the backlog of 6-7 drinks they hadn't made up before you ordered. The baristas (if you can call them that) never seem to have a system of who does what and watching them at work is like asking 6 year olds to prepare tea - well maybe a 6 year old would be motivated to get the tea party going albeit with pretend tea. Their order fulfilment systems are set up to cater to those customers who are happy to sit for 15 minutes to wait for a coffee and linger at a table.  Me, I just want something to take with me and don't want to be buffeted around by all the shoppers trying to get past me as I wait for someone to start my order.

Starbucks has a system and that system works.  Even if you are waiting in line to order, there is never an equivalent wait on the back side for your drink to be made and handed over. And if they get it wrong, you not only get a replacement but a free coupon for any thing, any size the next time you visit.  Wait too long and you will also be given a free drink coupon.

2) Selection of non-coffee options - specifically chocolate
In the winter, I drink hot chocolate.  In the summer, a Grande Double Chocolaty Chip Frappucino blended creme.  There is no equivalent in Australia which provides a blend of milk, ice, chocolate bits and whip cream.  You can't drink them every day but I also don't eat out that often so I would be happy to find one here.  There is nothing similar in Perth and Gloria Jeans use of tim tams in their iced chocolate chiller only results in drinking flavourless chocolate milk mixed with soggy cookies by the time you get to the end of the drink.

3) Oat Fudge bars
They may not be healthy but there is nothing like this Starbucks staple to fill you up and give you a little chocolate buzz.

Have you ever gone home thirsty because you can't get timely service?

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