Thursday, 8 November 2012

Truth in Advertising

One part of this is true.  The other part is false advertising.

The money charged by phone companies is a combination of the cost of doing business and what the market will bear.  Period.

If I'm really getting $550 worth of calls and texts, who is paying the other $532.01 every month?  NO ONE!
Is there anyone who would willingly pay $550? NO
Is there anyone who is paying $550? NO

Then why can companies make this kind of claim in their advertising?  In Australia, every company advertises mobile services the same way so the company used in this example is irrelevant.

If it really cost them $550 to give me those services, the company would have been out of business a long time ago.  How dumb do you think we are?

If I pay $17.99 per month for a service, I’m getting $17.99 worth of value.